Michigan Family Wellness

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Transcript MFW 065 | How EMF's Are Affecting Our Health: 5G, Wifi, Tesla, Microwaves, Computers, etc.

[1:21] Today is a scalar energy and wellness coach after working in corporate america for twenty-five years she knows teachers nationwide about what has become
the asbestos of the twenty first century electric small she also serves on the border directors for the energy medicine research institute in birmingham michigan.
Having surfin' from our brightness and severe neck and upper back pain from twenty years debbie searching for an alternative
other than the standard technology.
Just after two months,
debbie is no dedicated to helping people get and stay crowded increase their stamina enduring strength and a half increased focus and energy.
People everywhere create optimal health for themselves and their loved ones alright families let's jump into today's episode.

[2:15] Good day family's welcome to today's episode my name is doctor kyle i'm so excited to be with debbie garcia today we just heard a little bit about debbie from her bio but so excited to be with you.
Thank you so much for coming on the platform today.
And so let's go ahead and bring here we gonna go ahead and introduce is wonderful.

[2:39] Yes good morning always start off with our podcast episodes learning more about guess so.
Tell us a little bit family looks like for you and what do you love about michigan
i meant the heart of the home i think it is probably first and foremost sam portal thing in my life it is my anchor have a small family i just had one son of my husband,
two brothers only living parent but their paramount my life so it's just backing always having each others back always being there for the support they always have me i have them and we're always here to support each other
and just take care of each other and each other up.

[3:26] What's the most important thing to me you know they are my number one priority next to my face and as far as what i love about michigan i love.

[3:35] Pretty hustle bones everything about michigan except winner not my favorite season you don't know are made you do know when i grow up royal oak.

[3:46] I love the mister values that
learn stillman me a wonderful child hood i still have many friends from elementary school through high school that i still keep in contact with and see when i come back to michigan i spend,
usually at least two months a year i live in california but i spend at least two months a year in.

[4:09] The wild ok area and visiting people i had the opportunity to meet several practitioners and
set a holistic people that i work with and have developed one for relationships with so much i have one foot michigan one foot in california
set all times brian thank you so much debbie i couldn't more about just a value of stanley and face and just pairing that with the love for michigan.
It's really nice to have you know like you said another food and i'm warmer state especially for this time next year if i could there between october i would,
awesome will tell you what i'm so excited to talk everything es and scalar energy with you today i'm so glad to have you on the show yeah let's go ahead and get into a because this is a big.
Topic of discussion i think a lot of people have been someone aware of this for a couple years now.
We talk before even in our preacher show here the research starting really catch up with the biological effects the effects on our bodies as relates to all of these frequencies that surround us that were just living in constantly sleeping in.
How that relates to our health and how that can be an adverse effects to our health so i just wanna kind of people intermezzo discussion in terms of what will be talking about.

[5:30] But for example when people spend the day at the beach like in the summer.
Latest epically put on sunscreen so that's usually like a cultural thing i think a lot of people understand that but we don't want to get into like why do we do that you know because their is this radiation from the sun,
i think a lot of people can she on that and i just said get that idea if you will another an allergy or another example i like to use is if you ever have gone in front extras so we deal with extras the office with chiropractic care.

[6:00] The technicians are usually using shielding are they should be using shielding,
answer and part of your body so their giving you like these legs things that you can lary over weather be your chest or your abdomen or you reproductive various.
Because that extreme beam is icy radiation and can have adverse effects if you have a large dose of extras into your body
you know another quick example here debbie is it people have ever seen the ocean's eleven
movie so with famous actors hear that i'm blocking on right now but
so they use an electro magnetic pulse to shut down last vegas so they can break into the casino so i just want people to cut a rap their minds around there there is this reality of.
Electro magnetic frequency out there and i wanted to bring you on the show today to talk about.
What is all this and let's first start by talking about what is the problem is there a problem and why does this matter why is this even an issue definitely is a problem,
add these electro manager frequency,
or heard it actually dog busy electro smog and despacito of the twenty first century from many scientists or researchers
what is frequency doing is there a fucking our bodies biofilms and are our bodies on physiological systems all the way down to a sea level.

[7:22] Add there's been many studies that have proven over the years of a researches fendiman for instance back in ninety in the nineteen ninety two doctors living single the university of washington.
The devastated rats and they actually they just wanted to see if it is electromagnetic frequencies where affecting the dna of the rats and so what they
did was over two hours a day over a period of time they were exposing these rats to.

[7:55] Florescent light bulbs just a low frequency superfruit larsen light bulb and they prove it broke through the dna strands in the blood brain barrier of the rats
unfortunately back in the nineteen,
ninety four to ninety eight on there was a study zone by the cellphone industry that they agreed not to be regulated so congress was involved with this in the federal department of health and safety wisn balls and
the high and dry carlo.
Todo a five year study and this was rock located that over two hundred scientists involved tune researchers involved
end the study to see if there's manmade frequencies war you know i fucking the human body and affecting our house and the person expecting anything
when we were in the second generation which was too big back in the nineties so now we're into five
what they actually found was that was devastating to the to the body.
And it was breaking through and causing damage yourself and on doctor p carlo actually state of the union effects that had been observed.

[9:16] Actually made the government said safety healthy safety's house standards arrival in at that time.

[9:22] So they known for many many years that is frequencies are hiring our body
start mad men frequency use and there's a natural frequency not the natural electromagnetic frequencies like a what you're talking about earlier that's like what's coming from the sun.

[9:38] That's a natural electromagnetic frequency they madd made frequencies are the frequencies that are coming from oliver devices.

[9:46] From all of our yesterdays systems in our home
for ascension we have wi-fi routers for the most partner home we all have televisions most homes have microwave ovens
a lot of women use a hair blower to blow dry their hair we're all have cellphone devices pretty much now even from
young kids or tablets that they play on gaming handheld gaming system via laptops we have desktop computers
all of these devices generate this man made frequency so change your point as you put it where living in it it's like a bowl of soup you know where living and existing in these frequency in our homes
why can't go anywhere without being affected tully cat turn our car and turn on our car radio without having these frequencies enough coming out as we can't walk into a bank or store
anywhere without this technology being there
so it is insecurities effects does become more more horrible overtime it's been proven link to cozz cancer.

[10:56] We know that for effect it's been link to children with eighty eighty eight alzheimer's there's
there's three search is there you just have to look for it if it's been proven we know the their harmful but it's not going anywhere we're not gonna give up for cell phones face it we're not gonna give up for television we're not gonna give up our technology so
the whole idea is this we want to protect yourself we wanna do everything we can to protect yourselves and the best way possible
i remember you mentioning that even some testing for six jean and beyond is going on right now those satellites are going into.

[11:37] No yes this it's it's not like it's gonna be over with five jesus gonna be more frequency things are sensibly only going to get worse soda speak.
Unless there is public outcry from consumers you are aware of this kind of thing.
Actually demand reform that is ultimately better for our health so.

[11:59] Show me things all at once their debut thank you so much i just wanna go back briefly and just reiterate that yes there are some native ymf frequencies that come from the earth that are really
help four four our bodies at the talk about grounding we talk about that i love steppin' outside after spring rain.
Just the smell of the negative ions in the air that fresh paint yes o negative ions are just so healthy for us.

[12:28] However to your point when we are constantly exposed to.
Cellphones are tablets prolapse top computers microwaves it's that constant constant exposure again.
Are body is really only designed to handle short periods of a stressor for example so i talk about this a lot with her patience of the office so that that's sympathetic response if you won't fireflight.
No when you have that can't stand exposure to a stressor,
does effect your body adversity overtime and so that's talking about here is this constant exposure.
Too weather be ymf and your point we need to be mindful about how to shield our body how to protect ourselves.
And even take that a step further to those of our loved ones to those around us so again as a kiiara proctor this mix so much to me because
what were doing is working with the spinners actually putting a frequency if you well into someone's spinal system
any improving their neurologic function of the voltage if you will know often use the example of.

[13:38] You're breaker box at home or you're your fuse box at home fuse is really have fuse as much anymore but your breaker box right so.
If you have a breaker that goes out of a few that goes out you wanna go check your breaker box and make sure that everything is in the on position right so you might tablet off and then put it back on.
That's after my analogy for chiropractic as we want to make sure that you're powers on your mind make sure that your brain can communicate better with your body,
so that you can hear yourself from the inside out,
what i'm finding here more often than not mentioned a few chronic health conditions there are some pretty serious health conditions you talk about cancer.

[14:15] Fibromyalgia just a lot of chronicle issues that are going on with people eating medaka box centrum which is one of the most common things here.
Our current culture when we have these chronic health conditions and people are doing diet next racism their trying everything out there.
Maybe not addressing this electrical components so i really wanna make people aware that this is a b
big issue talk about cancer their i haven't no here in front of me from the world health organization this is going all the way back to two thousand and eleven how the ymf are a class two b.
Show their saying that cellphones might very well cause cancer,
classified radio ymf possibly carcinogenic to humans so that is staggering and again that's that's going on ten years ago now
back in two thousand eleven it's true that kind of goes back to the study the dr carlos back in the ' ninety s i'm in it it was proven.
That is carcinogenic,
two the human body and it on fortunate some of those studies got buried because they don't the telecommunication industry is a billion dollar multibillion dollar industry so.

[15:32] America seems to unfortunately a lot times put profit over the house.
Well being a citizens and there a lot of country talked about the public outcry that's very true and their has been a lot of dr dog researches that are come forward and
try to expose these dangerous here in the united states and a lot of time.
Unfortunates man on deaf ears or get shut down but there are several countries.
That are putting a stop to this like brussels put a stop to five g a lot of the european nations like the amulet of counties in ireland in the united kingdom and eben russia have put a halt.
Too on the installation of the spy towers because.
The five years time stronger than that earlier generations of.
You know the cellphones on the technology that came out back in the nineties so you look about that's that's really.

[16:35] This podcast is brought to you by michigan family wellness where we believe in helping families with driving vibrate lives.

[16:41] Right guidance your body has the ability to respond in adaptor the challengers in your life so that you can be healthy.
I michigan family wellness we build brazilian solutions dear prudence framework and empower you to become the best version of yourself.

[16:56] Contact us at seven three four three three five zero five three three four any questions.
Go online and schedule an appointment at michigan family wellness dot com and start your pack to it's better health today.
Put that chart actually on the website for today's podcast episodes you guys if you wanna check it out head over the michigan family wellness dot com.
End look at that shirt that shows like what debbie's talking about here those early generations of the original cellphone frequencies and how it is exponentially increased.
What is today with five g and again it's just like all this extra dose is not.
Ultimately helping us this is this is a big big problem and so we wanna talk about today about.
Practical solutions for what we can do about that of course but before we get that let's further jumping do somethings here so afraid people say,
that didn't really believe in this stuff or that this this whole thing is fake are they don't believe i can hear people say don't believe in chiropractic.

[17:59] So this is what i open respond with is it like that's fine young have to believe in it like it doesn't really require a leap if you well because needed ymf orchestra practice require faith if you religion.
Just the same that gravity exist like if you jump off a building a few jump off a.
Yes gravity is gonna work you know you don't have to believe in it so if you're listening to my voice today and your on the skeptical side of all this because it does take some understanding it does take some initial reactions so i just want to ask you some questions about like kind of what we're talking about at the top of
when you go outside into our when you go to the beach for the day you're applying sunscreen on to your body or typically people are we understand that if i stay long in the sun.

[18:43] That has a tendency to increase arrested development skin cancers and all other
issues with your skin in that sense so talked about that ratt study which makes me think of a similar people who office buildings with no windows natural light
lots of natural always wonder these florescent lights and they feel awful and their health is just terrible because i always sitting.

[19:10] Enter under this florescent lights all day so that kina make sure wonder like why is that again so it's the frequency
people understand how microwave works like you're shitting watermelon kills if you ever used in microwave so that again if you subscribe to the science that is microwave that you do believe in e m f and so something else that
shuffle about i think to myself is,
if you really think that this em stuff is belonging and i wanna get to your point with this year about your son i'll say that people like when the last time held your phone up to your head,
we're on a phone call for like an hour or even longer or even just five four ten minutes and then like how do you feel after that you know some people say i have a headache now i just feel.
Sluggish and brain foggy you know it just it's really not a good thing to have your phone anywhere on your body really but you see people all the time that you know they put it in their pockets
putting it in their neither pelvis near the reproductive organs women bill stick it in their bra people holding it to their earth for long periods of time,
i wanted to ask you about that little experimental studio actually i believe it was with their monograph in your son can you tell us more about that yes we actually.
Add a reminder feat sza a heat generated imaging system if anybody.

[20:28] Have that daughter if you don't know what it is highly recommended especially for your woman exam because it's been proven that survivor can detect cancer breast cancer in women up to ten years before
regular mammography yes but
what would do we can have these images thermal images taken of the human body that shows what's healthy what's we know what party your body remaining a lot of radiation
add a lot of information and it goes by colors,
start the rabbit the information the yellow sea radiation and you can see that so what is it is really interesting to have done
does see you know the different studies that are done on that but one of the things that we did with using skyler panic is working now i'm talking about using the skyler products to reduce inflammation
in radiation in the body.
When did it before image with him and then we have to go sit in the lobby the practice toners office and put it skillet pandora on for twenty minutes.

[21:33] Ok come back in and we're going to take another image and it was profound and such a short amount of time the amount of information and radiation that was reduced in the body
no separate study or separate images the stone session with him with a cellphone so we have a minor live cell phone call.
I was calling him from my phone and we didn't have a stealers wheel didn't have a spend on the no protection on.
And his brainless lit up like don't know rev run yellow.

[22:05] And which is put on a show on a scale show on a spell we were we had a short time frame so we only had a few minutes to let it and friends.
On the phone and we did another image and the reduction again was correctly reduce and so you know you talk about that people don't believe it that's very true and i was a skeptic up first two
no lemon years ago on people are my girlfriend broke this technology to me.

[22:33] Add was actually trying to explain to me what ems word and the fact that yes my cellphone was hurtin' me i didn't believe it.
Start researching at in finding national studies that i became a believer absolutely great did i mention there i wanna talk more about this tuesday our listeners are fully on track with this year so
no we been talking about the everything with the ems in the radiation here both natural and not so natural.
And so you mentioned something there that i wanna help people understand two u talked about scalar energy so let's try to find that for our listeners today as well so help us understand what,
regular energy orleans standard if you wanna call like a sign you know linear energy and then tell us more about how what is scales.
How does scalers actually help are body.

[23:28] Hey guys just wanted to take a moment and remind you that this podcast is brought to you by the michigan family wellness clinic.
We believe in healthy virus family life in order to build a healthy family restart by caring for one person at a time if this message resonates with you,
invite you to schedule an online appointment at michigan family wellness dot com hey if you're enjoying today's episode
go ahead and share this podcast with somebody else who can benefit from today.

[24:03] Well most energy you know you have lenier and hurts in frequency.
Scale energy as a different animal it's a field frequency so to put it in simple terms it's when two identical waves come together
any cancel each other out and they amit this field of zero point or scalar energy.
That resonates out around around us and that's what that skillet energy when you're in that field it is keeping you ground it all the time.
I need is helping to put your body almost in acuna protection
not allow me the harmful on effects from the electric indigo frequency is two effect your body sells and an effect for bodies biofuels so
is it just a wonderful way that the scalar products are actually comprised.
Add seventy six minerals would volcanic love that was a extracted from the crossroads japanese technology
and depending on the product we can see what kind of field it resonates different cellphone shields prince resonator four-foot field energy around the device
the skyler pennant which i know you were doctor kyle can resonate up two sixteen to twenty four field and nas what we can see using different types of photography emerges
there is japanese technology normal.

[25:28] Photography can't capture that but there there are on technology is available to capture that field energy wait hold on one second debut
happiness lava here why can't i get my american lava pendent ok
well everything that i have this got from conscience it is japanese technology i'm just snacking up a while i'm in the other fakes you know we are we have been knocked off we had the run escape point north fortunately.
You know you can find those on amazon for really inexpensive i would recommend for chasing amy those as well thank you
brilliant i don't wanna submit a resource to people again you find this at michigan family one this dot com you find a link to it.
On today's website episode selling this is called the baron report i wanna read i want a coat specifically from the barrel report if i could hear from moment.
Pull this up your real quick so again this is going back to defining skyler because i think this is key i really want people to understand this
because it does make a big difference and your point this does differentiate the authentic are those real mccoy.
From the noche in centigrade the stuff that don't wish your money on that kinda thing.

[26:47] Ok what is scales i believe this is the second page i wanna read the verbatim because it is so great so the standard definition of scalar waves.
Is that they are created by pair of identical like you said or replicate waves usually call the wave and it's anti wave,
that are in face scroll to the top specially but out of faces temporarily ok so there in face specially,
out of faces temporarily temporarily ok physically identical but one hundred and eighty degrees.

[27:24] Out of faith in terms of time so this does get into some heavy physics here i don't even fully.
Comprehend all of the physics and oliver the specials maxwell equations here on the charts however
this does you have to have a grass of what's going on on that mechanistic level to really be able to be confident in what you're using so let's continue the net result is that scalar waves are hole different
animal from normal hurts in waves like you said they even look different like infinity projected mobile pattern,
i access ok so what were saying here everyone who's listening is that by exposing your body to this scalers frequency,
this is what helps buffer shield protect your body from all of the average frequencies that you're exposed to coming in.

[28:18] Anything to add that debbie is that affair excellence very very very well put,
add a great explanation over and actually you know maxwell was james corden maxwell was the mathematician that propose theory of scalar energy but nicola tesla is resident father's
scalar energy he was the first scientist i kicked up.
Maxwell's ridings and actually proved it in was able to harness scales energy using a transmitter.
And it one point you know he wanted to bring scalar energy to the world is a free source of energy and.

[28:58] Again you know money it could be monetized so or they can't figure out a way to monetized so that didn't happen since have electricity.

[29:08] Rather than scalers a way to light up our homes into power power devices,
so debbie let me ask you more about this scalar energy here because again this is what really makes all the difference series so will we talk about scalar energy we just a find it for everyone,
now it's talk about it attributes or it's characteristics and so
again if you really dig into that barn report which will link to in the shadows for today's episode lets talk about how
this improves or help to preserve your dna can you tell us more about that because protection.

[29:44] It's not allowing those electromagnetic frequency to premium yourself,
it really is offering your dna we know that is actually scalar energy prince on everything that it comes in contact with
restart has been ruben actually attached self to the hydration bones of your dna strands and improve your system up two hundred forty nine percent.
So right there that's key.
We know that it reduces inflammation in the body and i know that you see a tornado that is a cover proctor because you have.
Patience coming in on shortcuts office.

[30:24] Is the heart eyes for stars sing a chiropractor i was involved in car accidents so i was refunded and had sky whiplash injuries
resulting connect you know you got a lot of information and body spouses it actually the scales energy proof reduces the information within the body.

[30:41] And that was huge for me but quit between that and between sing the chiropractor it totally changed my life on.
And i've been since acropolis now for over thirty years.
Religiously awesome s. o. s yeah i mean i can't say enough about you guys captain going i wasn't so car accidents in a very short period time
for some reason bitch scalar energy also and houses uncomfortable itself.
So thats what you want we wanna have free flowing blood sells through our system no stacking.
No i'm not coming because of that is there you have optimal health.
End that is how your body can continually allow celtic do it was created to do and healy self,
actually had approving that with myself i had my blood analyzed five years ago at the cancer show i have a doctor their that was doing
what analysis and he did the draw and he put it up and put my results up and stupid see myself on the screen and i was made that you know what my age sixty at the time.
That i had zero company outsells all of my soul for justin moore around free-flowing just beautiful pain he's looking me goes well doing,
i said let me tell you when i'm so we got into that is actually in a scalar energy houses alkaline the body more naturally.

[32:07] And that's because we can a we have to be a balance of alkaline city and a city within the body is you know what you want to be higher on the offline.

[32:16] Scale because that the high you are napoleon scale the last chance you have a disease and illnesses to invade the body.

[32:25] End so it does so many things you know scalar energy does so many health benefits to it is well as that nf,
brian cunningham more and again like you mentioned debbie ivan wearing the skyler pendent myself for almost about a month of now it's been
what a few weeks round here and your plan i can definitely feel.
It was almost and immediate difference when i started feeling like this voltage increase or this insulation electric feel.

[32:56] I'm sleeping better and my dick decisiones better and i just feel more charged if you will it anymore resilience to the stress around me i wanna go back to what you're saying about.
The dna and the hydrogen bones there any again quoting from the barrel report the copeland hydrogen bones are what hold are diana together ok.
So by consuming this skyler,
energy orbit having it in your field having it on your chest springs appalachian touch on that as well this actually help improve your dna so debbie tell us why i saw this on your website so you recommend wearing pendent.
On the front of your chest below your color bonn because that's right in front of your thinnest correct right correct so tell us apart.
Yes it's right the center of the body it's right the heart of the bodies so for me that's where i always recommend wearing it,
put their many people that do not like to wear jewelry like francis my dad he's eighty five eighty six now and,
yes never wanted origins so like ok put in your pocket as long as it's on your body.

[34:07] Play europe covered in you gonna have the health benefits and your gonna have protection you can also have a lot of women stick around their brock,
because they don't you know that if they by the regular quantum lava penguin it is a black rock so to speak and.
You're not if you're dressed up or you wanna be professionally not always gonna want it.

[34:30] How got showing taking your shirt but a lot of women even put it their broth i have friends and welders professions that.
Can i wear jewelry for work through for safety.

[34:43] And so i have summer welders that i have sold penance too that will stick it inside their socks and then you know put the boots on the work boots on you know over there their socks and so you know as long as it's on your body it doesn't really matter.

[34:58] Can i would like to touch circle back a little bit and touch on what you said about the feeling the energy from the cell voltage.
Scalar energy actually does raise the cell bolton and healthy cells.

[35:11] Right now we are electrical b so healthy sales usually generate work at like seventy to ninety miles generate a charge of seventeen nine mm.
What ashley age if we have for dieter we suffer tomato the body or we have disease and that goes down.
Add lynk francis cancer patients sometimes their sold voltage goes dino two thousand ten twenty three mili so,
the scalar energy overtime is raising graduate that each sells voltage in your body and with over thirty troy in southern our body.
That's a big plus right help that because i was just gonna be able to allow your body.
Are the good things to duki reproductive care a good nutrition goodwater whatever you're doing exercise to help your body this is disconnect help.

[36:06] Activate the process by wearing a skyler product absolutely narrative.
Episode today here so ok if this e-mail stuff is really all not good for me so let's see your subscribing to that that show if you well so
let's talk a little bit more through some practical solution just some simple things that the everyday person can do right regards to bless just say their environment like decreasing their dose if you were there exposure.
Do all of these electronics frequency one of my favorites is encourage yourself live about wifi in internet.
Internet useful i'll be one is like were using internet right now to do this episode and wifi is super yei useful especially for all devices however.
When were sleeping.

[37:00] It's like to you really need all of your band with when you're sleeping at night from powerful man hours you get to sleep at night so i am currently people to actually turn their wifi off at night a simple solution would be to take off.
Old fashioned a timer or like i think of like the timer for your christmas lights stuff like that and just put that on your wireless router.
Set it for you know the hours you go to bed in the hours you wake up it's just like just say that you're not getting that dose of wifi.
Turn your sleep so have you heard things like that before debbie absolutely anything that you can do to mitigate exposure.
You know like you said turning off the wifi i know some people that goes so far is unplugging every appliance is there
unplugging their tv's and making sure their computers power down debbie talked about further improve our home environment from ymf and everything we been talking about today
what is something that we can do to help really insulator entire home all the electrical wiring
entire home of our entire house and really have the best involvement as possible with regards to dmx and skillet energy here we do have.

[38:18] And we you can plug it into any outlet and it actually neutralizes all the harmful effects.
Are any thing going through electrical system so that i could you smart meters are you know you wi-fi routers your tv
play ancestral home your lighting system anything you plugged in like i was saying before the hair dryer whatever you're using a completely know if i was horrible effects for los de la noria frequencies up to five thousand square feet so we actually had the university of california irvine do the american testing.
For us back in like eleven years ago now and their the ones that verified up to five thousand square feet.
So that encompasses most homes and a lot of businesses and reason that you're gonna want to have that is there a kids now special now we have children at home
set a high school in due to cover so there are computers their on these devices twenty four seven.
No not twenty four seven but the run a lap between enos schooling and whatever place i am they may have a their playing games or whatever.

[39:25] You know we need to have those devices neutralized if you've got a unplugged in their being taken care of.
The other thing that happens is in a week household pets and so many people talk to really will spend more money on their pets they will
right their babies are a few babies with a cat dog bunny rabbit doesn't matter even reptiles there are pets so
the statistics are fifty percent of our household pets died cancer.
I'm sure a lot of a part of it has to do with the food in the quality of water in end things in their being ingesting but a huge component about is this electromagnetic frequencies that were in the soup.

[40:08] Enter on home during the soup,
hope so there being affected by you know these frequency and they really can't probably up power up those effects is easily is the human body so,
just had enough log in your home and knowing that you're pets are protected too that's that's a game changer too for a lot of household the families you know they look at that and go yes that's.
I want that because of that so there's a lot of benefits to the.
Remind is yeah so for people to really grass this from una just listening to us talk about it so imagine just this plug it's a three prong proximate is grounded.
Has the scalar energy innately inside of ider innately charged with it plug this into any electrical outlet.
That's in your house right new plugged in and then that scalar energy or that information that scalar waves then going through your house like you set up to five thousand square feet.

[41:06] Show if you got a huge house i forgot more than five thousand square feet.
Can you make me a northern one one yeah but there's actually improving the electrical environment insulating yourself from,
join electricity your protecting every room i talk about your kids your pets baby is all your family members because again to your point.
What we're home now because of this pandemic because of cobi zoom were online with school were doing facetime everything is in front of a screen.
And so we really need that extra protection at home.
Whenever youre outside the home you're always.

[41:54] So between those two you really can't go wrong this podcast.

[42:03] Respond challengers in your life.
I michigan family wellness we build resiliency solutions dear prudence framework and empower you to become the best version of yourself.

[42:17] Contact us at seven three four three three five zero five three three four any questions.
Go online and schedule an appointment at michigan family wellness dot com and start your path.
Help today give me some suggestions really good awesome things about everything scalers for listeners so.

[42:41] Briefly encourage people to like you're talking about keep yourself on off your body use air pods use headphones leaving you some kind of bluetooth thing so you're not holding your phone by your head all of the time we talked about.
How your song did the thermostat study with him.
So there's proof their i tell people to get rid of blue light a lot of phones these days they have the night mode have the yellow screen mode.
I have you recommend blue light is very stimulating to your nervous system which can interfere with your sleep and a lot a hormonal things.
So i tell people get the get the blue black and glasses that are available right now use those especially when were always on zoom calls for school work these days
even sell people so looking to the red glasses are like the rose colored glasses because the red frequency of light is very coming foreigner the system.
Sorry recommend people that dirty electricity sophie have faulty electrical wiring coming in the your house smart smart meters even these new smart appliances that you realize wifi.

[43:43] All of this stuff guys increasing your device and add him to your environmental dose of my fm frequencies one final things i just
i'm really excited about i wanna get into this myself and try it out is actually clothing that can be protective on the electro magnetic frequency so i know we are talking about this her preach it but it's called lambs la like a sheep lamb's clothing.
End this actually what they claim is that this create a faraday cage so free for people who don't know if faraday cages,
a faraday cage going back all the way to michael faraday from eighteen thirty six,
is gonna block all electromagnetic frequencies coming in coming in contact with the cage so
what day of so what do they add silver to their clothing so i have a note here it says it is thirty nine percent silver forty four percent cotton and seventeen percent nine line that's for their men's shirt there.
So i wouldn't hurt people to check out the lambs clothing if they want to actually.
Create a faraday cage actually use more of the environment in transit blocking and shielding myself from things like
that we can talk all day long for hours about go pacific stress a different things coming through the earth floor creating cat energy that can be destructive towards the body but i do want to get over to,
what were addressing at one point their debut was how it really is barbed wire when it comes to a lot of this stuff which is not.

[45:09] Unusual i mean i say that just like anything else which would you want to make sure you're getting the real mccoy like you wanna make sure that you're actually.
Using a skyler device or a skyler product that is actually the real deal so can you talk more about,
what makes this stuff the real deal.
And white people should be very disturbing about what they use with regards to their ymf shielding and protection,
like a sequin science has been with a stab lish about thirty five years ago we are currently about seventy five countries.
Add the doctor the scientist the developed our products when he wants searching for the right quality in the right composition.
Add lava minerals to amit the scalar field us very deserving they would i want to actually check-out five mountains and they found a decade extract the material from two specific mountains
too formulate and use nanotechnology to fabricate escalator products.

[46:13] And because they are so fucked up and just like anything else it's very effective and works we will have knockoffs so to speak.
So there are a lot of products that you can find our queen lava panda retails normally for one hundred fifty dollars.
The one thing i can say it's a one time purchase we have a lifetime warranty on the energy it is never gonna disappear,
it only gets stronger on your body overtime.

[46:40] That's so this is a product that you can buy you knocking have to replace it i tell people put you on will appear grandkids if you want it so i don't have it fresh this set on have to like know you wanna
the only thing i could say is.
You know especially for the man like my son and i'm sure you do you like to wear tucked underneath your shirt you probably my workout in it sweat in it be outside in it
set your body oils are gonna get attached to it just every once in a while once a month just take it off clean and since salt warm water,
use a clock brush it off get those oils off and and that's really all the maintenance it needs put in the sun if it's always wonderful too
the help you know give a little more
but i'm the things and for slander products most anthem you know it's kinda barbed wire on amazon if you see her a pendent and they have them look like ours coming from china for twenty dollars.
The coming from china and their synthetic and their actually been tested to a middle radiation so i tell people if you don't want to buy my brother by anything going to amazon to search for something right.
In this particular fields totally in terms of ok let's say you're wearing the pendant or your wearing anything else that's available.

[48:01] Andrea feeling pretty good sing some improvement maybe some hior chronik health issues are going away or you're not getting any headaches sleeping better things like this can you talk about the dosage so if one
pending is good is too better like can you overdose on this or can you be wearing too much
taylor or is there a tornado special thing here to consider as well no you can't overdose on it i have a lot of customers that wall
open where appended bracelet i do that i like jewelry now i love to wear jewelry so i usually typically will have a pending on and a bracelet
at all times but one you don't need to one sufficient i always tell people by with several options on the website.

[48:45] Buy what you're going to wear it doesn't do you any good if we're going to put something and where for a couple days and maybe sick in a joy box.
Take it off and put it on your nightstand the whole goals for you to have a,
something that statically pleasing to you in something that you are going to watch wearing a regular basis.
Do i have that protection to hear to be affordable health benefits awesome you tell people recommended the people heroes well where this when you shower where this when you exercise where this when you sleep.

[49:17] Right there is really not like a major reason to remove it other than like you said just for normal hidinin cleaning if he will i love how you don't have to reach charge this i love how like you said
purchase it once you can will it to your kids or
other people it's just really a fantastic way to shielding guard yourself tell us more about pacifica for yourself on i been actually using this on my,
brand new off stationer's field.
Critical some what i did get the iphone twelve pro so it does have five g however i do have my shield let's see if i can show it here,
there's a little blippi know in the case you can i see if there if i can see the ballet.

[49:57] Yes we do you have the shield on the phone tell us more about the shields for yourself on your mobile device shields are a wonderful added protection their specially
great to have for children teenagers specifically the art necessarily going to wear a piece of jewelry i mean their just not going to,
but also mino all children teenagers eben from young age of anima elementary school now i see children was of valentino eight nine years.
Average up and their not going to wear a piece of joy but at least if you put a shield on their phone they're going to have that for tucson.

[50:37] I an event wideboys friends don't most men put their cellphones in their pocket correct,
that's what i carry is in their pass pocket when they are you know not on it utilizing and we know it's already been linked male infertility race in lottsburg accounts.
That's already been proven and it.
Typically you know before covered i do several shows a year cancer shows and on health events and i mean mini mini on man,
now there in the lake twentieth that are dealing with sister or cancer because they had a cellphone since they were like sixteen seventeen years old
enable sharing at their pockets for batman years and now they're having the repercussions of having a street quincy jones constantly radiating
that's aguilar area their body sings more more cases a prostate cancer young man prostate cancer years ago used to be someone grandpa got not young man.
And rihanna sings more more cases of prostate cancer young man and europe point how you set a lot of young women's stick it in their bras sing a lot more cases of breast cancer.

[51:45] Play young money because you got these constant pulsating frequency,
heading that area of the body can you more so we are saying earlier guys here have your phone off your body as much as possible
yes turn your wifi off at night considered using the shield which is just a little circular disk that you put in between your phone and your case a lot of people have a kiss in their phones slide it right between.

[52:11] The phone in the case there as well again a lot of so if we got a new phone or if you uk you can always gonna move the shield around there yet think so much this is been talk for hours about
yes really exciting out reality hero of the day of the mars but,
again we been talking a lot about the escalator products you're so in addition to those practical things that you guys can do at home.
Two help decrease your dose on on the individual level two average ymf frequencies
i don't wanna let people know that because you're listening to today's episode redux have an exciting promotion
just for our podcast listeners here today so if you resonate with this science of shielding and guardin yourself from harmful imf.
Can you are interested in purchasing a quantum pendant or any other skyler products.
Then simply head over to michigan family was dot com again find that dedicated website for today's episode their button right on that webpage there you can click that button it will go directly to the online store.
For all of the scale and quantum energy products there and you can purchase anything that you that meet your fancy again we highly recommended that the pendent that seems to be a really great place for people to start.

[53:28] I said there's the shield for your phone there's the response for your rest,
whatever you like to get started with this gonna be better than doing nothing so let me go ahead and drop the promo code here for you guys so if you type in.

[53:42] Dr k podcast so all articulate that further just diy podcast all one word did podcast ult go ahead and receive a ten percent,
discount off of your order now the thick of it is here guys that discount only applies until.

[54:03] The end of february here right debbie stewart like soon as it turns march first you're gonna
no longer have the option there to do the ten percent off so if you guys are serious about this and you wanna get increase your health.
Again you're not gonna hurt yourself like this this is not have any adverse health effects are only helping yourself using the scalar energy products here and these clinton devices,
again to help decrease information protect your dna
and sheila e. from harmful electromagnetic frequencies yes thank you for offering that promo that's that's wonderful outside.
Update guy and send it to people yes thank you as well it's been fantastic having you on the podcast year today,
we have talk so much about ymf and electromagnetic frequency really think people have.
I got some value from today's episode so any final words of encouragement or anything that you really wanna leave people with here today as a result hearing your voice on today's episode.

[55:08] I want to say again thank you for having me and for letting us skip the word out on what the harmful effects are from these frequencies.

[55:18] I'm understood happy to be able to offer a wonderful tool that can be a solution to protecting our body.

[55:26] And her testing again your children your household pets we have products for everything.

[55:33] For everyone your household and i just really incurred you to to go on the website.
There's a lot of documentation on there's a.

[55:44] On their on the killing benefits email or.
Answering questions.

[55:58] So i'm here for you whenever you need me think so much when you're back michigan side of things will have to catch up and hang out and talk,
more about all of this so thanks again for coming on the podcast today will talk to ok thank you
alright podcast
you made you so by writing doctor kyle at michigan family wale this dot com and take full advantage of the family lifestyle audio library at michigan family wale this dot com connect with us on social media at michigan family wellness thanks so much for tuning in families
have an awesome week and remember we can do far more together than we could ever do a part
now that you've been a quick the latest in family wellness solutions we want to current you to apply these strategies right away but the thing is there still so much to learn,
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[57:18] Michigan family wellness wants to thank you for being part of today's podcast please subscribe to our podcast on itunes and give us a five star rating and review.

[57:28] Music.