MFW 034 | The Family Wellness Lifestyle | Melinda Szwak

As a health and wellness coach, Melinda helps people live their healthiest life through safer skincare, and eating a healthier whole foods diet.


1) Educates people about the importance of reading labels for the products we use ON our skin,

2) Teaches, trains, and coaches people on how they can build their own part-time wellness business that provides time, flexibility, and financial health

And Thirdly, offers vegan, botanically-based, high-performing, wellness products to her family and her community.

Melinda provides one to one CONSULTING as well as group wellness presentations.

Her clients experience:

  • Cleaner, fresher skin, with fewer fine lines and wrinkles

  • increased energy, better digestion

  • increased overall health, including weight loss &

  • better immunity!